טקטופ נותני החסות

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Thank you for joining!

The event is over so only a few videos are still available – Enjoy and see you on the next World Voice Day.

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יום הקול הבינלאומי

תודה שהצטרפתם!

האירוע הסתיים ורק חלק מקטעי הווידאו זמינים, תהנו מהווידאו ונתראה ביום הקול הבא.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row row_id=”” row_layout=”false” type=”” bg_color=”” bg_type=”” overlay_pattern=”” no_with_border=”” padding_top=”” padding_bottom=”” margin_top=”” margin_bottom=”” css=”.vc_custom_1607515348864{padding-top: 60px !important;padding-bottom: 30px !important;}”][vc_column width=”1/6″ bg_color=”” bg_position=”50% 0″ bg_repeat=”no-repeat” bg_cover=”false” padding_top=”” padding_bottom=”” margin_top=”” margin_bottom=””][/vc_column][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]

The Voice center Israel was founded this year with a voice team of three women – all voice specialists. The founder Aramat Arnheim-Sharon was determined to inspire voice professionals to start working together and benefit the clients with better communication and combined treatment.

With this goal in mind Dr. Tali Landau and SLP Pnina Erenthal joined the team and now patients who agree to share information can work in session with Aramat or Pnina while recieving guidence from the ENT.

We also collaborate with other specialists in Israel and world wide and we want this website to be full of important connections and information that will inspire more collaborations and more professionals to study and improve the field of VOICE in Israel.

As we take our first steps we hope you join us!

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Thank you for taking part in our event
We will keep you posted on following events

Voice Center Israel


הצטרפות לאיגוד

במידה ואתם רוצים להצטרף לאיגוד לחצו על כפתור בקשת הצטרפות לאיגוד.
האם אתם כבר חברים? או מעוניינים בחידוש החברות?
פשוט לחצו על כפתור התחברות לאזור האישי.